Actuellement nous développons le projet « Traces, mémoire et transmission « . L’objectif est de dévoiler aux acteurs mais également au grand public, l’intelligence créative de la culture hip-hop et l’évolution de l’écriture chorégraphique hip-hop.
To create a creative synergy about keeping Hip Hop’s cultural heritage alive and passing it on across and beyond generations and borders.
« Traces, mémoire et transmission »
« Traces, Memoire et Transmission» opened the discussion about memory of the body and of movement from a retrospective viewpoint on the evolution of Hip Hop choreographies since the 1980s. The shows is based around Hip Hop creation and sociology. And sitting between memory and transmission, the aim of the project is split into 3 steps:- A retreat for choreographic research with both pro and semi-pro dancers.
- The audiovisual and written delivery of testimonies, fragments of heritage and current trends and state of Hip Hop dance culture (conference and meet ups between choreographers and dancers).
- Involvement of the audience during performances, workshops and cultural projects and events.
Traces, mémoire et transmission / Paris, octobre 2013 from Cie Elolonguè on Vimeo.
What’s happening now! The ‘Traces, Memoire et Transmission is being developed in Villetaneuse. The Élolonguè company opens the discussion about memory of the body, of movement and of the dancers and choreographers’ but also of the locals’ journey, which represents our cultural heritage. Since Hip Hop has consistently left trails of influence in many French towns and areas since the early 1980s, thus contributing to shaping urban spaces of yesterday and tomorrow. Therefore, dance and Slam will allow all kinds of people to meet and to reinvent the urban transformations of a town through Slam and dance workshops aimed at young and elderly people alike up until September.Read more
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